Why do we insist on pre-spotting your carpets?

28 Sep

Ok, so in the above photo it’s pretty obvious why anyone would insist on pre-spotting the carpets… but in a lot of cases our clients will insist that we don’t need to bother. The reason why we pre-spot before we shampoo the carpets is threefold:

  1. To loosen the soils in the carpets, and give us a bit of a ‘headstart’ in getting them looking their best again.
  2. To insure our product has time to settle in areas that are notoriously dirty- passageways, entrance foyers, under the dining room table. When we’ve finished cleaning your carpets, we don’t just want it cleaner- we want it clean!
  3. Last but not least, we do it because that’s what we said we’d do! By training our whole team to use the same tried and true process from start to finish, we can ensure that our results are impressive across the city.

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